Back to school.
Three of my least favorite words in the English language. It’s not that my kids don’t like school. So far #1 loves it. And I loved it. It’s just that I hate having to re-enter the world of such strict routine. When I feel like the only thing I say to my kids are orders. And the thought of summer nights melting into earlier darkness and homework and rushed mornings make my heart sad. But that’s life.
As we prepared to re-enter school routine world this week, we knew 2 major morning routine hacks that would be re-entering our lives as well. And because they work oh-so-well for us, I would love to share them with you!
1. The Flip-Up Morning Routine Chart
This thing keeps us on. task. And all it took was some colored card stock, peel-and-stick magnets, scissors, glue, and some clip-art images of the parts of our routine that are required to get us out of the door mixed with a little responsibility. In our case, those included making our beds, eating breakfast, cleaning up our breakfast, getting dressed, brushing teeth, brushing hair, gathering supplies for the day, and putting on our shoes. Then on the back of the flap, a gold star for when a task is complete.
Here is our version:
I let the kids help cut and paste, so it is not perfect, but it does the job nonetheless.
When the finish a task, they flip up that tab and the picture of the gold star shows. When all tasks are complete it looks like this:
I have seen many ideas for morning routine charts on a quest to save my sanity via an answered prayer on Pinterest, and this idea was by far my favorite. I believe it originated on ______. With this there are no clothes pins to be lost or dry erase pens to either misplace or have #3 draw all over the wall with. It is all inclusive and can be reused day after day.
So in our house on school mornings (or any other morning we have somewhere to be on time), the rule is that you should only be doing an activity that will give you a gold star. Once you have all gold stars, you are free to do as you please until it’s time to leave. Within reason, of course.
When we first started this 2 years ago, our house sounded something like this in the morning.
Offspring: “Mom, can I watch a ‘toon?” Mom: “Do you have all gold stars?”
Offspring: “Mom, can I play with the hermit crabs?” Mom: “Do you have all gold stars?”
Offspring: “Mom, can you watch me stand on my head?” Mom: “Do you have all gold stars?”
Offspring; “Mom, can you wipe my butt?” Mom: “Do you have all…. Oh. Well, I guess I can wipe your butt.”
You get the picture.
It let’s them know the expectation, stay on task, and gain a sense of accomplishment. And then some days, I don’t even have to nag them, or go all Hulk-mommy, or even say “Do you have all gold stars?”!!! (Que the gasp) I know!!!!
I said sometimes.
2. Over-Night Oats
I know these are nothing new to the breakfast scene, but let me tell you: Game Changer. And yes, we eat them 5 days a week during the school year. By Friday I do gag a little, but hey, at least I’m eating. If you’ve had them before you know they are yummy and the varieties are endless. And you know that it means you wake up, pull it out of the refrigerator, put some spoons on the table, and you are DONE with breakfast. If you haven’t ever had them, you must. You make them the night before, like while you are packing lunches, and then you just put them in the refrigerator and let them soak overnight.
No cooking required.
Below is the recipe below that we use for the base. The flavor is up to you! #1 likes sliced strawberries (fresh or frozen) and chocolate chips, #2 and #3 prefer blueberries (fresh or frozen) and chocolate chips (who knows), daddy likes to throw in frozen mixed berries, and I like a tablespoon or so of peanut butter and sliced banana. If I want to feel a little less guilty about throwing peanut butter on yet another snack or meal, I’ll substitute PB Fit powder. I really don’t notice much of a difference.

Basic Overnight Oats
Here is the recipe we use for the base of our overnight oats. After this, you can add whatever other 'toppings' you would like. Some examples include peanut butter and sliced banana, or sliced strawberries and chocolate chips. The flavor possibilities are endless, and totally up to you!
- 1/3 cup old fashioned oats (*not* quick oats)
- 1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt
- 1/4-1/2 cup milk of your choice (We prefer protein nut milk. It adds a nice creamy texture and of course, protein.)
- 1 tbsp honey
Combine above ingredients plus desired toppings in a mason jar with a lid. Adjust the amount of milk based on how thick you like your oatmeal.
Shake well.
Refrigerate overnight. Enjoy it cold or hot in the morning!
Stay sane because you haven't repeated breakfast choices 11 times returned with blank stares. Do something for yourself in the time you would have spent scrubbing sausage grease from the frying pan.
There you have it!
If you try either of these things, I would love to hear how they work out for you!
And of course, if you have any other morning routine hacks that keep me from dropping a cuss word under my breath before 9am, I would love to hear them, too!