Finished Thoughts

Stop Saying Sorry for the Mess

If my house had a hashtag, it would be #messyheredontcare. And I fought this for a long, long time.  And then I had an ‘ah-ha’ moment, and things became easier.  Here’s how it went…

A sweet friend came over with her new baby and I apologized, at least 10 20 times, for the way my house looked. For the tee-pee in the living room, the children’s potty in the kitchen that I had just dragged in from outside, and a Lego-covered dining room table to name a few. She reassured me and we talked, among other things, about how hard she was trying to find a way to be able to be a stay-at-home mom. I told her about my struggles and journey to the same place she is trying to get and then it hit me how lucky I am.


I remember the tears and all the big feelings that went along with it and I realized that the same mess I was apologizing for was essentially the same thing I was standing in her shoes BEGGING and PRAYING for a few years ago:Stop saying sorry for a kid-friendly house. Forget the mom guilt and enjoy your kids being kids.

A tee-pee in my living room where I had spent a majority of our morning with flashlights and shadow puppets telling stories to each other. The other part of the morning outside with bubbles in the water table and a naked baby learning how to pee on the potty. And ENDLESS building and rebuilding of Lego cities.


The mess and the neediness NEVER. END. And I am so glad, because I prayed so hard for its beginning.


We do not have a nanny, a cleaning lady, or local family that watches our kids for hours and days at a time that allow me to clean my house or even finish a thought. It is me, my super husband, our kids, and our big, beautiful mess. And we love it that way. And I will not apologize for it anymore. Ever. Again.


And you shouldn’t either.


Enjoy your big, beautiful messes Mamas.

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10 thoughts on “Stop Saying Sorry for the Mess

  1. I learned precious time with loved ones is much more important than a clean house.
    When children are gone and house is empty, and clean it is no fun. Messes, memories, and laughter is more important #

  2. This is oh so helpful as I sit here
    with my precious little sleeping on me surrounded by mounds of laundry and empty Amazon boxes.

    1. I am so glad! Thank you so much for letting me know. Enjoy those baby snuggles, mama. And take a big, deep breath of baby for me!

  3. love this….I like my house to be organized, clutter free and clean, and after having Charlee, and going through some exhausting months trying to keep it that way, I realized mess is inevitable with children and instead of fighting it and feeling guilty and trying to clean 24/7, I just had to waive the flag and be okay with the mess.

  4. Cleaning the house while the children are growing is like shoveling the snow when it’s still snowing

  5. I love this!! I felt the same way when I was working & now home with my 2, it’s so true! I love your blog & now preparing for the crazy with baby #3!! Haha🤣😊

    1. Thank you so much! I am so excited for you to join the mom of three club- Congratulations! Let the crazy begin!!

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